General informational booklets
Below you will find informational booklets produced by DiCE in the languages of the countries participating in the TOGAS study.
These following booklets contain general information on gastric cancer, including prevention, risk factors, sign and symptoms and diagnosis
Information_Booklet-Gastric cancer Prevention
Informationsbroschüre – Prävention von Magenkrebs
Livret d’information – Prévention du Cancer Gastrique
Informācijas buklets – Kuņģa vēža profilakse
Informacinis bukletas – Skrandžio vėžio prevencija
Informativni letak – Prevencija raka želuca
Informatieboekje – Preventie van Maagkanker
Folheto Informativo – Prevenção do Câncer Gástrico
Broșura informativă – Prevenirea Cancerului Gastric
Informacijska knjižica – Preprečevanje raka želodca
Informational booklets for Pilot study 1
Below you will find informational booklets produced by DiCE in the languages of the countries participating in the TOGAS study.
This booklet contains information for participants of Pilot study 1 – H.pylori screen and treat study in young-age population, the strategy is going to evaluate this approach in young adults (generally 30 – 35 years of age).
Informativni letak za Sudionike pilot studije
Broșură Informativă pentru Participanții la Studiul Pilot
Informativna knjižica za udeležence pilotne raziskave
Informatīvs buklets pētījuma dalībniekiem
Informational Booklets for Pilot Study 2
Below you will find informational booklets produced by DiCE in the languages of the countries participating in the TOGAS study.
This booklet contains information for participants of pilot study 2– Stomach assessment in subjects undergoing colonoscopy.
EN_Information Booklet for Pilot Study 2
DE_Information Booklet for Pilot Study 2
FR_Information Booklet for Pilot Study 2
LT_Information Booklet for Pilot Study 2
NL_Information Booklet for Pilot Study 2
PT_Information Booklet for Pilot Study 2
LV_Information Booklet for Pilot Study 2